SCOPE Charity – Westminster Petition

News and social media petition.

To accompany a petition handed in to the government to highlight the rising energy crisis for the charity SCOPE and Age UK, we provided a branded wendy house with banners and placards, set up in Victoria Tower Gardens, Westminster for a 3 hour media scoop.

Please get in-touch via email : or call us on 01306 628191 to talk about your requirements.

National Trust – Christmas Display

Photo Op Display

Tasked to create a photo opportunity focal point at National Trust Standen House.

We created a Giant Stack of Christmas Presents produced with boxes made from OSB and wrapped with an Eco friendly 100% PVC Free banner material, featuring William Morris Design print which stood up to all the elements with sun, rain, high winds and snow (which looked very pretty), topped with mesh wrapped fabric bows and fairy lights, which created a great focal point for visitors and staff.

Please get in-touch via email : or call us on 01306 628191 to talk about your requirements. Stay Safe!

Secondary School Corridor Wall Art

Secondary School Corridor Wall Art

Design and Production of 65m of stunning digitally printed wallpaper, installed along two corridor walls.

School Head : I was in for the first time today since the corridor was completed and  I think it looks absolutely fantastic. You guys did a great job.  Thank you for your patience in dealing with all my requests, demands and amendments. Very much appreciated. It looks great!

Science Lab

Secondary School Science Lab Wall Art

Design and Production of Physics & Biology Labs

As part of a refurbishment investing in the Physics & Biology departments wall art has helped to inspire learning, invoke natural curiosity and create interest in the Sciences!

The Rt. Hon. Jeremy Quin MP Visit

Conservative Support

We were delighted to receive a visit from our local MP Jeremy Quin.

In support of local business following the recovery from the Covid pandemic, Mr Quinn was keen to see how we had coped through this trying period and to see future plans, taking a great interest in our industry.

Please get in-touch via email : or call us on 01306 628191 to talk about your requirements. Stay Safe!

AAH Magazine Article

All About Horsham

We were approached in May 2021 during Covid for a feature article in the business section of a West Sussex Magazine.

“There are not many jobs that involve working with heavy metal superstars one day and theme parks the next. But it’s precisely this variation that keeps Kangarooz at the pinnacle of creative visuals”

You can read the full article about the man behind Kangarooz :

Please get in-touch via email : or call us on 01306 628191 to talk about your requirements. Stay Safe!

BBC Film Crew

Filming at our Studio with John McMurtrie.

As our favorite Rock Photographer, we were happy to host the BBC locations crew for an interview with John as a nominee for The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. We produced and displayed some of his finest work including his entry of HIM ‘Ville Valo’

Please get in-touch via email : or call us on 01306 628191 to talk about your requirements.