Terms & Conditions

Accuracy of information

We do our best to ensure that all information on this Site is accurate. If you believe any of the information to be inaccurate, please let us know and where we agree with you, we will correct it as soon as practicable. However, we make no representations that any of the information on this Site is in fact accurate and up-to-date or complete, and accept no responsibility for any loss or damage caused by the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information on this Site. It is the responsibility of users of this Site who wish to act on the basis of information available on it, to check and verify that information themselves before acting.

Although we hope that this Site will be of interest to users, we make no representations and offer no warranties in relation to it and its content, to the fullest extent that such representations and warranties may be lawfully excluded.

Linking and other web sites

On this Site we do provide hypertext links to other web sites that are operated by third parties, please note that using such a link means that you are leaving our Site, and we take no responsibility for, and make no representations and give no warranties in respect of, any web sites accessed through any such links from this Site. In addition, such third party websites may have data-collection, privacy and security policies that differ from those of Kangarooz Limited, and you should consult such third party policies prior to proceeding. Kangarooz Limited has no responsibility or liability whatsoever in connection with your use or your exchange of any information with such third party websites.

Our liability

The information on this Site is not intended to address your particular requirements. Such information does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation by us, and is not intended to be relied upon by you in making (or refraining from making) any specific decisions.

We make available all information on this Site free of charge, and to the fullest extent permitted by law, we accept no liability for that information, or for any loss or damage suffered by you or anyone else, directly or indirectly, as a result of your use of this Site.

Trade Mark

Kangarooz is a registered trademark. Intellectual property (IP) is a property right established in law to exclude others from using, without authorisation, your intellectual creations. IP rights allow you to commercialise and exploit your innovative and creative ideas.

IP rights consist of:

  • patents, which protect innovative technical solutions in all lines of industry,
  • copyrights, which protect original intellectual creations in the creative arts,
  • trademarks, which protect distinctive marks indicating a product’s business origin,
  • designs, which protect the visual appearance of the product.